
Thursday 12, 2017

These are the Rules by the Tigers Creative Entertainment and we want everyone to enjoy equally with praise an positive thinking. We are allowing anybody to put something interesting like Fan Arts, Fan Characters and Fan fiction to be posted by Tigers Creative Entertainment anytime soon.


Rule #1 - Pornography
Tigers Creative Entertainment doesn't want anybody to put anything that has porn or nudity on any material. Human characters are not okay to show their nudity selves while Anthropomorphic animals are okay to be naked as long as they are not using nudity parts.

Rule #2 - Sexuality
Tigers Creative Entertainment doesn't want anybody to put anything that has sexy stuffs or big body parts that are inappropriate for children under 18. We have to tell you to redesign it or gave it up on sexual explicit material since that is forbidden.

Rule #3 - Child abuse
Tigers Creative Entertainment doesn't want anybody to put child abuse such as torturing characters with extreme pain and it can be too offensive for younger people as well. We might have to remove that content if it has child abuse in it.

Rule #4 - Violence and Graphics
Tigers Creative Entertainment doesn't want anybody to put violent content such as threat, killing characters with graphics and graphic content since this is not a violent place like South Park or Happy Tree Friends. We wanted more of a friendly and maturity of family and Kids' age balance.

Rule #5 - Bullying
Tigers Creative Entertainment doesn't want anybody to use mean hatred comments, aggressive toward somebody and hate things or hate people for no reason. We have to respect other people's opinion and fact and treat them the way they are. We also not recommend you to put any curse words and that is very inappropriate

Rule #6 - Spam and Misleading
Tigers Creative Entertainment doesn't want anybody to put anything that has spam advertisement because that could even become a bad joke. The Misleading content is also not allowed such as unrelated thumbnails, tags, title or anything that is very unrelated.

Rule #7 - Jokes and Humor
Tigers Creative Entertainment doesn't want anybody to put gross details or inappropriate jokes that are not suitable for younger people. If it has some kind of jokes of Inappropriate ones make sure that should give them a reason and give a joke that is suitable for younger people or the target audience.

Rule #8 - Creepy-pasta Death
Tigers Creative Entertainment doesn't want anybody to put any CreepyPastas on anything or extreme death that is only thinking about it. It is also inappropriate for children under the age of 18 and as well that we could only use the characters that died not by extreme death and can be not focused about death and focus on something else.

Rule #9 - Claims and Copyright
Tigers Creative Entertainment doesn't want anybody to put a false claims or even stealing our material without written permission but with creative common license is acceptable to be used without permission. Go look at the website for copyright into what series or media has either Copyright or Creative Common License before reused. False Claims is like claiming that it is someone else and a false Copyright claim, it will be forbidden that they should have researched.


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